Children Killed Undergoing Procedures at the Dentist 
For More Information To Protect Your Child See RMB Foundation



To the families and parents of these precious children:

Jonathan W.       Dasia W.
Ben S.                Jessenia V.
Javier V.            Diamond B.
Rogelio C.           Jonathan B.
Jenna B.             Raven B.
Jacqueline M.     Cory M.
Maddoux C.        Jacobi H.
Dylan S.             David  L.
Akasmse T.        Marissa K
Sherral M.        Christopher S.
Jenny O.
Miciah B.

Please do not read any further.  I feel it would be way to painful and you have suffered enough.

I am extremely blunt as it is addressed to those who are careless and could prevent these deaths. 

I will fight to change things as long as I can.

Debbie Hagan

This is to every dentist, every support staff, every office manager, every patient coordinator and every hygienist who are turned loose to over treat patients everyday in dental mills across America.

This is to every corporate fathead, every corrupt dental board member, every venture capitalist and every Arabian Knight.

I want each of you to understand how close to death  you bring children and the damage you do hundreds of times a day. 

As I've watched this profession for close to 3 years now, I've seen and read some of the most horrible things happening in the name of dental care. 

If you take your chosen profession seriously and treat patients and children well, then this letter does not apply to you.  And I would stand up and cheer right here if I could.

The dentists and staff referred to below didn't wake up the morning they killed a child and say to themselves, "Let's kill someone's baby today."  Of course not.  But it happened anyway.

My heart breaks for each one of these families.  I hope by putting these victims all in one spot, and tell it bluntly it might wake up this industry.


There is a common thread that hits every incident.  Every dang one of them, and you do many of common tasks everyday!


These are just the ones killed.  There are hundreds more who suffer with permanent neurological and brain permanent damage. 


Miciah Bonzini 16
Died May 5, 2011
New Kensington, PA

Miciah Bonzani, 16, went into cardiac arrest while having wisdom teeth extracted in May 2011. She was taken to a hospital, put on life support, and died 2 days later. She had been born with a heart malformation which required 2 surgeries prior to her first birthday.  But at the time of her death she was a vibrant 17 year old who was in the Junior ROTC program at her school.

The dentist was Dr. Raymond Seitz, who had been Miciah's dentist for years.  In the past he had to Michiah's parents, if ever the time came to have Michiah's wisdom teeth removed that would require special monitoring in a hospital.  However, Dr. Rayomnd Seitz decided to disregarded his own advice and he and his receptionist tore into Miciah and killed her.

Miciah's mother is devastated as she was not aware of exactly what was being done.   After Miciah's death, it is reported her sister, who had her wisdom teeth removed by Dr. Seitx the month before, told her mom there were no monitors, pulse ox meters and she didn't recall seeing any type of crash cart in Dr. Seitz's office.

Prayers to Michiah's family, especially her mom, Melody.


Pittsburgh Live Article

Teeth Removal .com    
Dentist The Menace Article    

Jenny Olenick 17
Died April 6, 2011
Woodstock, Maryland

Dr. Domenick Coletti in Columbia, Maryland was the dentist who failed to keep Jenny alive during a wisdom tooth removal.   

The state Medical Examiner’s Office is investigating the death of a 17-year-old Marriotts Ridge High School junior, who died last week after complications arose during routine wisdom tooth surgery.

Jennifer “Jenny” Michelle Olenick, of Woodstock, an aspiring professional singer, went to a Columbia oral surgeon on March 28 for a tooth extraction procedure and went into cardiac arrest during surgery, her mother said.

She was taken by ambulance to Howard County General Hospital and then flown to Johns Hopkins Hospital, in Baltimore, where she died 10 days later, on April 6.
Report and Statement from Jenny's mom    
WBAL Radio    
Christopher Schutzius- 17
Died February 9, 2011
Blue Island, IL

Read more here:  Dental Dreams is a Dental Nightmare

Teen Dead from Root Canal

Christopher Schutzius died, of what the Medical Examiner reported as sepsis, a severe blood infection.  Also referred to as blood poisoning, sepsis is very often life threatening, it causes the blood pressure to drop, the patient goes into shock, major systems shut down, such as kidneys, liver, lungs and central nervous system and then death.

On February 1, 2011 Christopher went to Dental Dreams, a corporate dental chain located in the Chicago suburb of Blue Island, Illinois.  This Dental Dreams was the one located at 12200 Western Avenue.  Christopher went there alone to simply have a filling refilled after he lost the previous one while eating a caramel apple.  Instead of replacing the filling, the dentist gave Christopher a root canal and sent him home with no antibiotics or pain medication.

The dentist worked for Dental Dreams.  A Corporate dental chain that has been plagued with complaints from Massachusetts to Illinois.


Marissa Kingery

Marissa Kingery
Died January 3, 2011

Marissa Kingery was 13 years old when she died having two baby teeth and another tooth removed abt Dr. Henry B. Mazorow's office.

Elyria, OH    

She was out of school for her Christmas break, when she went to see the man who is in an office she called "creepy".  It was December 21, 2010.  Her father took her to the dentist that morning and as Marissa left her dad, a bit scared, he reassured her everything would be ok, it wasn't.

Marissa stopped breathing, an ambulance was call where she rushed to a nearby hospital.  During the 991 call that was released, you can here the dispatcher saying they know where Dr. Mazorow's office is, they "go there all the time".

It's reported that the family's dental insurance was with Cigna, and Dr. Mazorow was the only oral surgeon the child could see.

Doctors told the family Marissa had been without oxygen for 10-15 minutes.  It's also reported Dr. Mazorow continued to work on Marissa after she had stopped breathing.  Her dental procedures were all complete when she arrived at the hospital.


Marrisa's organs were donated so that others will live on. 

Clevesene Website


WEOL Radio Site
RMBF Website

Dr. Henry Mazorow was 81 years old when Marrisa died under his care.  Another patient had died under his care in 1997.  He was 67 years old then.  He settled that case for $550,000.  He also is listed as the defendant in 9 other suits.  His record shows no actions has been taken against him at the Ohio Dental Board. 






Akasmse Rose Tecumseh




Akasmse "Faith" Rose Tecumseh
Died August 14, 2010
Tulsa, OK

Akasmse was 4 years old!  She died after being sedated at Pediatric Dental Group in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Most people knew her by "Faith". 

Pediatric Dental Group is located at 602 S. Utica Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Dr. Charles Keithline and his wife Nancy


Dr. Keithline has been disciplined before by the dental board for incompetency and negligence.  His licenses was suspended for 6 months and put on 5 years probation.


There are few details available and the story did not even break until August 20, 2010!  However it is mentioned that one of doctor Keithline's  "associates" preformed the work and sedation.  Dr. Keithline was  lawyered up by the time the story broke.



Dr. Keithline is a member of the AAPD and a diplomat with the Oklahoma Dental Board.


Dr. Keithliine, was it worth it?

     David Liddell  
David Liddell
Died July 12, 2010
Atlanta, Georgia

This is little David Liddell, he was five years old the day he went to the dentist to have two fillings before he started school.  Some states are requiring dental checkup before school, isn't that wonderful for the dental industry?


David died at the dental office of Dr. Derek Mason's Children's Dental Clinic of Camp Creek.  Details are sketchy.   First reports are slanted in the favor of doctor Mason saying all dental treatment was completed and little David had an underlying medical condition.

This is about all you will find:

ATLANTA (AP) - The Fulton County medical examiner’s office says it’s investigating the death of a 5-year-old boy who died after going to the dentist.
The medical examiner’s office identified the boy as David Liddell of Atlanta and says he died Friday.
Atlanta police say the dental work was completed when the boy had a seizure. They say he was taken to Children’s Hospital of Atlanta at Hughes Spalding, where he died later that day.
The medical examiner’s office says the death appears to be from natural causes, but investigators want to review medical records and lab test results before a ruling is issued.

  • No statement from the AAPD?
  • How much local anesthesia was used?
  • Was he or had he been sedated?
  • Was is heart rate being monitored?
  • Was he strapped in a papoose board?
  • Was CPR performed?  
  • Did he vomit during treatment?
  • Was his mother present during treatment?
  • No further follow-up information available?

Here is Dr. Derek Mason's bio on his website:

Prior to attending dental school, Dr. Derek Mason attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. After attending Morehouse College of Atlanta, Dr. Mason went to Meharry Medical College, School of Dentistry in Nashville, TN. Dr. Mason spent four years as required to graduate with the title of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS). Dr. Mason went on to complete his residency at Kings County Hospital Dental Clinic and Maimonides Medical Center, both of Brooklyn, NY. This training enabled his continued growth and development, pediatric dentistry, hospital dentistry, treatment of traumatic injuries, treating patients with special needs, and specialized areas unique to younger children and adolescents.

Dr. Mason's clinic is a "high volume" clinic with as many as 5 hygiene stations.

Derek D. Mason, DDS & Associates - Pediatric Dentist
Ph: 404-349-7900  Fax: 404-349-7899  3890 Redwine Rd. Suite 206  Atlanta, GA 30331






Dylan S. Stewart-Gainsville, FL
Died April 22, 2010
death by
Dr. Ronnie Lynn Grundset, DDS

This is Dylan Shane Stewart, he was five years old when he was killed by a dentist.   Take the time to pay your respects and read his obituary.   


Will the next child you separate from his parent and take back be the one you kill?  Will the life of the next child you treat end with a blurb in the obituary section of the local newspaper?


Those who knew and loved him called him "Dilli Man".  He died April, 22, 2010 in the care of Dr. Ronnie Lynn Grundset a dentist in Gainesville, Florida. 

From reports it appears Dr. Grundset was quite liberal with her use of Chloral Hydrate and wasn't shy to use "behavior management", the papoose board.   Was Dylan strapped down so tight he couldn't breath as happens to many.  Was he where he could not indicate he was in distress?  Was he wrapped to where Dr. Grundset of her staff could not see he was turning blue?  Did he have a laryngospasm?

I'm not going to try and hang her here, others will take care of that.   She is not looking good though.  No condolences; nothing. 

However, according to her facebook page, the day before she killed this little boy she was "is packing for staff appreciation cruise. i'm very excited for everyone and looking forward to four great days with my staff. we are enjoying a limo ride to canaveral friday am. going to be a good time!"
 I could be completely wrong, but maybe she was on her cruise when Dylan was laid to rest.

Those who knew and loved him called Dylan "Dilli Man.


His parents stayed with him as he fell asleep.  They took him from the room, and like each of you do many times a day, they reassured his parents, that Dilli Man would be ok.   Dilli Man was NOT OK.


His parents stepped outside.  Jennifer, his mom heard sirens.   They kept getting closer to Dr. Grundset's office.  That is when the instincts all mothers have kicked in; Dilli Man's mom knew something was very wrong.



Dilli Man's parents ran inside and watched the staff perform CPR.   When the ambulance arrived, they took Dylan to Shands at the University of Florida, his dad rode in the ambulance with him. 


Close your eyes, imagine being Dylan's father.  Feel the panic.  Let it wash over you.  Feel it!




Now, females take minute and close your eyes. 


Imagine being Jennifer, Dilli Man's mom, following behind the ambulance as it raced to the hospital with your 5 years old child's life hanging by a thread.   If you don't feel the unbelievable pain and panic in your gut, you should be ashamed, but most of all you should be scared.  Tomorrow you will get up, put on those scrubs and walk in that dental clinic and each child you take back, may be the one you kill.


About 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital, Dilli Man was dead.  He was 5 and he was dead.  Why? 

Could someone inside Dr. Ronnie Grundest's office have stepped forward earlier and saved Dylan? 


News outlets contacted the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) for insight.  Dr. John Rutkauskas, chief executive officer made a statement saying, "Hundreds of thousands of sedatives are used in pediatric dentistry on an annual basis, and you almost never hear of a fatality."  


I'm sorry Dr. Rutkauskas, ALMOST isn't good enough.


Little Dylan was there is receive 4 filings and 8 Stainless Steel crowns!


Dr. Rutkauskas should have been asked about the procedure Dylan was to receive that day.  Wasit excessive, what about how necessary?  Was it really a life or death matter?  Because that is the way it ended.  Did they put him to sleep and strap him in a papoose board and not be able to tell he was in distress?  This happens a hell of a lot more than "almost never".  This happens thousands of times a month and some dentists and assistants just get lucky.


Dr. Grundset's dental license are marked "Clear/Active".  Qualifications "Pediatric Conscious Sedation and there are no discipline actions or complaints listed in the online file and by looking at her facebook page, she's hardly skipped a beat, unless it was on one of her walking excursions.
















Jacobi Hill-Richmond, VA
Died May 11, 2010
Killed By Staff at
VCU, individual yet to be named

Jacobi Hill was 6 years old and now he is dead over stainless steel crowns.   He was 6!  Now he's dead too.


Look at this little boy.   What a bright beautiful smile.  How much dental work could this 6 year old little boy need?


I'm finding it very hard to accept that this child needed to be sedated and receive several stainless steel crowns.  Evidently, Virginia Commonwealth University Dental Faculty Practice are not sure either, not now anyway.  Do you feel comfortable with VCU doing their own 'internal' investigation?  Do you feel comfortable with these dental mills doing their own investigation?  Heck no!  If you said yes, you are lying, not to me, but yourself.

Jacobi had seen his doctor the day before.   He was fine.  Now he is dead.  Why?

Jacobi was last seen alive by his mother, Crystal ,at 9:00am that Tuesday morning.  After a while his mother went to the desk and asked about her son.  She was told it was taking a while.    She returned to the desk to ask about her son three more times and was told little Jacobi was fine and reassured by the staff.  Like Dylan, Jacobi was NOT ok, either.


Jacobi's heart had stopped beating while his mother sat in the waiting room being told Jacobi was fine.


By 12:30 pm Tuesday May 11, 2010 his grandparents were told Jacobi was dead.


Hundreds came to Jacobi's funeral, including staff from VCU.   It rained the day he was buried.  The heavens were crying.  His mother, father, grandparents distraught. But close your eyes and try.


Speaking of sedation on children, Dr. Indru Punwani told the Richmond Times Dispatch, "It's used thousands of times every day."  Dr. Indru Punwani is a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and head of the pediatric dentistry department at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


Dr. Robert Campbell, a pediatric oral surgeon at Virginia Dental and Anesthesia Associates, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch that the most common cause of death in dental offices under anesthesia is related to an airway condition.



According to Campbell, "the most common problem is that the vocal cords go into a spasm and shut down," in the upper airway. He states this upper airway problem could possibly be related to an allergic reaction. The next most common issue would involve the lower airway, in an asthma-like attack.  This is referred to as a laryngospasm

So far we do not know who was in that room and killed Jacobi.




Maddoux Cordova-San Antonio
Died 12-27-2009
killed by
Dr. Cynthia Banker and Dr. Brian Seastrunk at Village Specialty Surgical Center

Here is 22 month old Maddoux Cordova.  He is dead.  He was just 22 months old when Dr. Cynthia Banker decided he needed crowns on his teeth.  They killed him to get them on. 

His grandmother got to watch him just stop breathing on December 11, 2009.


It is suspected baby Maddoux died of an overdose of Morphine.  Dr. Banker says she did not and does not prescribe morphine.  But she sure prescribed those crowns and I know that nurse who gave him the lethal dose of morphine did so under some doctors orders.  Dr. SeaStrunk?

Maddoux was given a nasal spray, likely "Midazolam" and nitrous oxide before the procedure.

When Maddoux's starting coming out of the sedation they couldn't control him.  He was trying to pull out his IV and thrashing about.  Was he seizing?

Someone gave Maddoux a shot to clam him down.  The baby went to sleep, started snoring and never opened his eyes to see his mommy again.


Maddoux's mom and grandmother were then told they could dress him and take him home!


Yes, this doctor and this clinic thought it was fine to send Maddoux home even though they had no idea what his conscious condition was at that point.


How many of you leave the child alone and go on about your daily routine, trying to get another child ready for treatment,  while a child in hooked to nitrous oxide and strapped in the papoose board?  You know you do it, every day.  I know you do it every day!


AAPD and AAP have guidelines.  Like many of you, the dentist and the staff ignored them and killed Maddoux.  The guidelines are clear: “The patient needs to be alert and oriented, and all of the vital signs need to be intact,” Berlocher said. “Pulse oximetry (blood oxygen levels) needs to be acceptable before the parents take the kid home.”

Blindly listening to the professional in the scrubs and lab coats, as we all do, grandma took the baby home while his mother went to work. 


Two hours later, grandma was concerned that baby Maddoux didn't look well.  Another hour passed.  Grandma called Maddoux's mom in hysterics.  Maddoux had stopped breathing.

Paramedics were called, baby Maddoux was rushed to the ER, and given meds to reverse the morphine effects. 

It was too late.  Baby Maddoux was brain-dead, his heart had stopped and lungs collapsed. It took this family 16 long days and nights before they could remove him from life support. Maddoux had a 10 year old sister who misses him very much. 

Maddoux loved playing with soccer balls, basketballs and footballs.  He loved balloons and Elmo.  As a tribute a red casket for baby Maddoux was chosen.

Dr. Bill Berlocher, president of the AAPD said morphine is occasionally given to children undergoing dental procedures but serious complications are "extremely rare".


Dr. Cynthia A. Banker is licensed in Texas.  Lic. # 0010762.  She graduated from U of TX, San Antonio in 1975.  Her anesthesia permits do not include intravenous conscious or deep sedation/general anesthesia.  There are no disciplinary actions on record.












Cory Moore, Jr. -Tampa, FL
Died February 19, 2009
killed by
Dr. Robert Andrew Powless

Cory died at Florida Special Care Dentistry.  Cory was just 9 years old.  He is dead.  His family has filed suit againt Dr. Robert Andrew Powless.


Stock photo -No picture available

Powless sedated little Cory even though he and his staff were completely aware that Cory had eaten prior to the dental procedure. 

Cory coked to death on his own vomit.

Dr. Robert Andrew Powless's license in Florida are  marked "Clear and Active" for Conscious Sedation.     There is also a link on his online license verification that links to actual complaints.



 Amazingly, (eyes rolling) when you check to see what discipline has been taken against Dr. Powless, it will result in nada.


There are two case numbers listed, both in 1997.  These must be requested.


The online file will tell you discipline has been take but in order to view the details, you must write to the Division of Medical Quality Assurance in Tallahassee, Florida.


All across America this happens to children in these medicaid dental offices everyday.  In the name of bringing quality dental care to the underservered. 


That is a load of crap.  You do it for the money. 


Every day children come to your offices, you take them back strap them down in a papoose board and go at it.  You don't take time to let lidocaine work, you don't take time to let the nitrous work and you don't stay with the child.


How many times each day does a child puke, you flip the child in the board over, suck it out and keep right on going.  How many?  How do you sleep at night?  Strike that, because it's clear some of you sleep in the middle of procedures.


Will you kill the next child you treat?


From the South Tampa News Tribune:



"It's a rare event, but when it occurs it's a tragic event and we certainly don't want it to occur," said Dr. Milton Houpt, chairman of pediatric dentistry at the New Jersey Dental School, who says he has been studying the issue.






Jacqueline Martinez
Riverside, CA
Died March 4. 2008
killed by
Dr. Thien H. Luong at New Smiles

Jacqueline was a daddy's girl.  She was 7 years old when a dentist killed her.  Jackie went to have a tooth pulled.  She died instead.  She died from her tooth being dropped as she inhaled and sucked it into her lungs. 

The parents waited three days before they could "pull the plug".  How horrible to have to make such a decision over a trip to the dentist.  Jackie's organs were donated.


Jackie's mother was in the waiting room too, when her little girl drew her last breath.  Jackie hated going to the dentist and was afraid.

The death was ruled accidental as most are.  These dentists didn't set out to kill a child that morning, but it happened. 

Dr. Thien Luong still practices in Riverside, California.  No disciplinary action are noted.


Dr. Michal Ignelzi, D.D.S., Ph.D., a pediatric dentist and orthodontist in Greensboro, NC, said that he had never heard of such a case.

In most cases, if a child does start choking on a tooth fragment they will reflexively cough it out, "unless they are sedated," he said. Dentists should take particular precautions when patients are sedated.


Here are just some things that could have been done to protect Jackie:

  • Use a rubber dam to isolate an individual tooth or groups of teeth. This protects against tooth fragments falling down the patient's airway.
  • In situations where the rubber dam cannot be used, use a 2 x 2-inch gauze, open it, and put it at the back of the mouth. (But take care to keep nasal passages unobstructed)
  • In 2006, a 3-year-old boy reportedly asphyxiated during a dental procedure in which gauze caught in his throat and the dentist covered his nose.)
  • If a child is completely unmanageable, hold off from doing the extraction and consider sedation.
  • If something gets lodged into the back of the mouth, roll the child to the left side to avoid anything going into the lungs.
  • Many pediatric dentist recommend the use of the 2 x 2- inch gauze instead of the rubber dam.















Raven Marie Blanco


Raven Blanco - Chesapeake Died March 7, 2007
killed by
Dr. Michael J. Hechtkopf

Raven had a nickname.  It was Ray Ray.  Raven was 8 years old.  Raven is dead.

Her father is Mario.  Her mom is Robin.  Raven had a sister "Sissy" and a brother "Bubby".  She had a "Granny" and "Pop Pop" too.


Raven had uncles and aunts who loved her too.  Raven is dead.  She was killed by an overdose of drugs at the dentist office.

Raven was very nervous about going to the dentist.  She was seeing the dentist to have her teeth cleaned and calcium deposits removed. 

As the took this precious little girl for her last walk, she turned to her dad and handed him a pink ring.  She said, "Daddy hold these until I get out."

Dr. Michael Hechtkopf gave her a cocktail of three drugs.  He gave her 1300 mg of chloral hydrate, 30 mg of Vistaril and Nitrous Oxide.  The autopsy revealed she had three times the average needed 90 minutes after!

Here again, we have a dentist who failed to keep good records no vital signs of Raven were in her file.  He was going to kill someone at some point, it just happened to be Raven.

Dr. Hechtkopf, like so many of these cases failed to obtain and updated health history prior to sedation.  Did you get an updated history of the last child you treated?  He also failed to document her vital signs, which means he or his assistant weren't even watching them in my opinion.




Dr. Hechtkopf didn't even know how to perform CPR correctly.  When asked by the Department of Health Professional he failed to identify signs of cardiac arrest.


Here we have a doctor sedating children and doesn't even know basic first aid.  No way should his name  begin with Dr. 


Raven's dad is trying to convince the Dental Board  to require defibrillators and do facility inspections.  Presently offices are not inspected until the damage is done.


On March 18, 2007 the Virginia Dental Board said Dr. Hechtkopf presented "substantial danger to public health" or "safety warrants this action."   The board restricted Dr. Hechtkopf from any sedation.


In June the board the board decided he could use Nitrous Oxide.


The board had another meeting in July to talk things over.


By December the board decided Dr. Hechtkopf wasn't a danger to public health after all and lifted his sedation restrictions.


They gave him 6 months to take some recordkeeping and risk management classes.   Those classes couldn't be online either or home study.  He should have been required to learn CPR and refresh his memory in sedation and the signs of cardiac arrest!


Dr. Hechtkopf had to take the boards "Dental Law Examination"  That's it.  No probation, no suspension, he never missed a day he could see patients.


Dr. Hechtkopf''s dental license status is "Current Active"


In doing some reporting on Mario's quest this month (June 2010) reports have again turned to Dr. Punwani.


Dr. Punwani said once again, ""Sedation is used thousands of times every day in medical and dental procedures," he said. "It's an extremely common and safe procedure."










Jenna Bautista-Anaheim, CA
Died March 25, 2007
killed by Dr. Ramin Sadighi & Julia Tsai

Jenna died in 2007.  This sweet little girl was 5 years old.  She is now dead.   Her father took her to the dentist.  Watched them take little Jenna from him and back into the operatory and never heard her little voice again.  He had to bury her just a few days later.

Jenna choked to death on a cotton roll that fell down her little throat.   She had gone to have a tooth pulled at State College Dental Group and died.


Her father was in the waiting room and heard the sirens from the ambulance coming, getting close and finally in the parking lot. 

Jenna had been to State College Dental Group before.  On her first visit, March 23, 2007,
the progress notes of Dr. Julia Tsai stated "80mg Vistaril, plus 15mg Versed Consent". 

However the sedation record indicated 15mg Diazepam not Versed.  No time was listed in the record as to the exact time the diazepam was given.

Jenna was placed on a papoose board!  There was no signed consent for the sedation.

Dr. Tsai also failed to note little Jenna's age, health status and the last time Jenna had eaten or drank anything.


An infection had set in and Jenna had to return to State College Dental Group on April 6, 2007.  Dr. Tsai gave her amoxicillin but did not note in her file the amount given, the dosage or the frequency to be given.

Jenna came back to see Dr. Tsai on June 1, 2007.  Jenna was given Nitrous Oxide.  The sedation record and progress notes this time indicated Vistaril and Diazepam were given but Dr. Tsai nor either dental assistant noted the time it was given. 


No other medications were noted as being given to Jenna.  Again the gross negligence of failing to note little Jenna's age, weight, health status or last time she had anything to eat or drink was not in her chart.


While little Jenna was strapped in the papoose board and drugged up, she vomited twice.  Dr. Tsai then gave her more medication but did not note the what it was, the amount she have Jenna or the time.


Dr. Tsai placed two cotton rolls in Jenna's little mouth.  One in the upper left quadrant and the other in the lower left quadrant.


Dr. Tsai also placed a bite block in her mouth.


Little Jenna was still crying hysterically so Dr. Tsai held her hand over Jenna's little mouth to force Jenna to breath in more nitrous oxide and quite her crying.  Do you do that?


Sweet little Jenna was fighting as though she was drowning, flailing her arms even though she was strapped in the papoose board.  One arm finally got loose but Dr. Tsai kept right on with the treatment never stopping.
Do you do that as well?


While Dr. Tsai was reaching for the bur, one of the cotton rolls went down little Jenna's throat.  Dr. Tsai tried to get it but couldn't.  She tried suction, but that didn't work either.  She tried to keep Jenna's air way open with her fingers but couldn't. 


She couldn't move her neck or head because of the papoose board.


They took Jenna out of the papoose board and put on an oxygen mask and 911 was called.


Jenna was rushed to the hospital.  She was declared brain dead on June 3, 2007.


Jenna's grieving  parents took her off life support on June 3, 2007.  It took Dr. Tsai 8 days before she wrote the dental board to report that she had killed Jenna Bautista.


It wasn't until May 28, 2008 before the dental board filed the complaint against Dr. Julia Tsai.  All I can see they did was take away her permit for oral conscious sedation.  Dr. Ramin Sadighi's dental licenses in current and no discipline actions have been taken.


Another senseless death by a dentist who failed to take simple precautions and was too determined to get the job done right now as fast as possible.












Jonathan Hernandez Barrera-Phoenix,
Died December 13, 2002
killed by
Dr. Matthew C. Nolen

Jonathan was 4 when he was killed.


Jonathan was an early victim of Drs. Ed and Michael DeRose and Dr. William Mueller.  They were just trying to perfect their scheme when little Jonathan was killed.


Jonathan was strapped to a papoose board.  The Arizona Dental Examiners Board investigated saying the restraints "could have masked the signs of respiratory distress...or signs of the child going into convulsions."  Ya think!


When Nolen testified before the board, he admitted most parents did not know about an unwritten policy at the DeRose Arizona clinic to restrain every child under the age of 5.












Diamond Brownridge-Chicago
Died October 2006
killed by
Dr. Hicham Riba's

Isn't little Diamond precious?  What a sweet little face.  She's dead.  She was killed by a dentist named Dr. Hicham Riba.  Did I mention she's dead.  She was overdosed, strapped to a papoose board and now dead.

She was going to get a mouth fool of stainless steal crowns at Little Angel Dental office.


Dr. Riba gave Diamond Valium twice.  Once 1.3 milliliters and then 1.2 milliliters with in a 5 minute period of time. 

Dr. Riba also gave her 7.5 milligrams of oral Valium, nitrous oxide, .25 millileter of IV atropine, .25 milliliter IV Talwin,
1.3 milliliter Midazolam and 2 carpules of 2 percent lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine" within a 90-minute time frame, the complaint said.  


Dr. Riba's insurance company settled with Diamonds family for $1million.  Dr. Riba's license was suspended for a mear 18 months and then probation until 2012. 


Here is what little Diamond looked like after Dr. Riba overdosed her.

Little Diamond went without oxygen for over an hour.

Diamond's mother can hardly live with herself because she left Diamond in their care, all alone. 

"I know my daughter and I would've monitored her, and I would've knew when she wasn't breathing. I would've saw the signs," she said. "I feel like if I would have stayed there, I would have known when her heart stopped. I believe her heart probably stopped in the middle of the procedure and they did not recognize it.


Dr. Riba's assistant was so incompetent to help monitor the child, that when they were in front of the board, Zoila Ocamp she kept calling the pulse oximeter "the finger tip thingy". 


Ocampo admitted she was getting trained on the job.  When asked, she didn't know what a stethoscope was and could hardly read aloud the post-op instructions.  Nor could she define what a gasp of air was.


How many untrained personnel are loose in these dental mills?


An estimated 5,000 mourners showed up for a gospel concert held to honor this sweet innocent dead child.


















Jessenia Valles - Houston
Died 10-6-2006
killed by
Dr. Robert Choy

Jessenia Valles was 2 years when she was killed by a dentist.  Two!  Dead! 

The staff at Good Shepherd Dental Clinic in Houston, Texas took Jessenia from her mother and walked her back to the operatory and killed her.  Good Shepherd Clinic is a strip mall clinic.


Jessenia's mother wanted to go back with her baby, but they wouldn't let her.

Alone in the waiting room, Jessenia's mother could hear her precious daughter's cries of fear and screams of pain. 

The staff kept reassuring baby Jessenia's mother, that the baby she loved with all her heart was ok.  They were lying.

Dr. Robert Kim Choy was supposed to repair a few cracks in this baby's teeth.  Instead he killed her with an over dose of Mepivacaine, an alternative to Xylocaine.


Dr. Choy did his repair work then he and his staff left the baby alone in the room to recover.  Jessenia's mom wanted to go back and sit by her baby's side. 


The staff refused her request saying baby Jessenia needed time to recover.  Jessenia's mom didn't resist the staff, they were reassuring and comforting.  After all they wore the scrubs and white coats.


As baby Jessenia's mom obediently followed the staff's request and sat down to wait as patiently as she could, her baby was dying.  Suddenly, after about an hour, an assistant rushed through the waiting area holding baby Jessenia in her arms. 

The assistant rushed passed Jessenia's mom and took the unconscious baby next door to a doctors office.


The ambulance was called and Jessenia was rushed to the hospital.  There doctors pronounced this sweet precious angle dead.  She was two and dead.


Jessenia's mother and father were devastated.  "It makes our house empty, said Jessenia's father.


It was six long month before the parents got answers.  They still had her clothes and room just as she left them.   Her father dreams she is still alive, but she's not.  She is dead and she was only two years old.


Dr. Robert Kim Choy surrendered his Texas dental license in 2009




Dasia Washington


Dasia Washington-Boca Raton
Died March 21, 2006
killed by
Dr. Edward R. Walters & Dr. Abbe Silverberg-Aroshas

Dasia was 10 years old when she was killed by dentists.  Ten.  Dead.

Dasia had asthma.  She just stopped breathing shortly after the nitrous oxide gas and shots to numb her mouth was given. 


Dr. Abbe Silverberg-Aroshas having fun.

Disciplinary actions were taken against the dentists for little to no attempt at CPR, to put oxygen on her or perform any other lifesaving efforts.

The dentists said they didn't try to revive little Dasia because she appeared to be breathing on her own, her eyes were open and she had a weak pulse.

Paramedics who arrived at the scene were shocked to find no one was doing anything to save this little girl.

Nothing!  Dr. Walters was a dentist who treated children on medicaid.


Dasia was there to have a tooth pulled.  Now she is dead.

Sun Sentinel
Criminal Probe

While her mother screamed in fear in the waiting room and the ambulance was on the way,  Dr. Walters said he turned off the gas, set the mask to pump oxygen and finished pulling the tooth from the dead little girls mouth.


Will the next child you treat have asthma or some other medical condition you think you can handle?  What if you only think you can?


 July 8, 2008 Dr. Abbe was ordered to pay just over $12k in cost and $21k in fines.  She also agreed to put her license in "Retired" status until all terms of the agreement are met including remedial classes for incompetence.   The original complaint had 5 counts.


In the complaint it says little Dasia was strapped in a papoose board!  Dr. Abbe also failed to calculate the correct amount of local anesthetic.  Will you do that next?


Dr. Abbe Silverberg-Aroshas also failed to get consent to strap the child down in a papoose board or the use of nitrous oxide.


Dr. Abbe Silverberg-Aroshas also failed to keep minimum records.  She failed to note allergies, history of previous surgery and anesthesia, the patients age, weight, and base line vital signs.


When interviewed, Walters said, “I walked away from about a $3 million practice and closed it." He gave up his license, he said, because “I couldn’t deal with it anymore.” 


WOW!  He did $3 million with just he and Dr. Abbe in medicaid drilling.






Rogelio Campos-Crespo


Rogelio Crespo-Brentwood, CA
Died June 21, 2005
killed by
Dr. William Martin Nielsen

Three year old Rogelio was killed by dentist, Dr. William Martin Nielsen. 

Dr. Nielsen used the the "Hand Over Mouth and Nose Exercise" (HOM or HOME) and killed little Rogelio.  In a 2005 study by the AAPD, HOM is the least accepted practice to use on a child.



Dr. Nielsen left a 4 x 4 piece of gauze in Rogelio's mouth.  Rogelio could not breath.  He gasped for air and sucked the gauze in cutting off his oxygen.  Dr. Nielsen might as well have killed this baby by choking him with his bare hands.


KCRA 3 Report

Dr. Nielsen had sedated this baby and was going to put crowns on his teeth.  Dr. Nielsen gave little Rogelio 1 teaspoon of noctec syrup (chloral hydrate) and one teaspoon of hydroxyzine hydrochloride.


Baby Rogelio was then strapped tightly to a papoose board then given nitrous oxide.  He was then injected with articaine, which was not recommended for children under 4.


About 1 minute later, Rogelio woke up and began screaming, yelling and crying. 


Dr. Nielsen slapped a mouth prop into the child's mouth.  Rogelio bit down so hard on the guard he broke a tooth out.


Baby Rogelio stopped crying and Dr. Nielsen administered even more anesthesia and killed the child.  When Dr. Nielsen noticed Rogelio wasn't breathing he sat him upright, the child took one more breath and that was it.


It wasn't until then that a pulse oximeter was put on.  They put oxygen on Rogelio and started CPR, Rogelio then vomited.


Emily, Rogelio's mother has never recovered from the loss of her baby.  She never thought trying to do what you are told is best for your child, could also kill him.


Rogelio had been taken to Dr. Nielsen's office by his grandmother.   Rogelio was rushed across the street to Sutter Delta Medical Center, where his mother rushed to his side, sighted KRON TV. 


Rogelio's mother and grandmother hugged and told him goodbye as he was airlifted to UC Davis Children's hospital.


Dr. Nielsen only treated children up to the age of 9. 


After the autopsy and investigation the death was ruled a Homicide by the Sacramento County Coroner.  No charges were ever filed and the parents settled out of court.


Dr. Nielsen surrendered his California dental license in February 2007.


He was sighted for:

  •  Incompetence,

  • securing the papoose board too tight,

  • not using a neck and shoulder roll,

  • maintaining inadequate sedation records,

  • failure to use alternative treatment on this little boy,

  • using an unacceptable techniques of behavior management,

  • using medication not recommend for this age child.

  • not using a pulse oximeter during procedure

  • not having informed consent from Rogelio's parents.




    Sherral Magana  




Sherral Magana
Fresno, CA

Reported as an allergic reaction even though autopsy didn't not prove that.  Suspected the dentists, Dr. Wiley Merle Elick, DDS (Lic number 21245) in Hanford, CA gave her the anesthetic. 





KFSN Fresno, CA


Javier Villa




Javier Villa
Died in August 4, 1997
killed by
Dr. Gabriella Pham

Javier was just 4 years old when he died at the hands of dentist, Gabriella Pham.

In attempts to cover up their crime, Dr. Miguel Garcia had assistants destroy Javier's chart. 


Javier was taken from his family because he was strapped to a papoose board and did not have the roll towel under his head and neck to keep his airway open.


Javier was not monitored to check is breathing either.  Dr. Richard Mungo, of the state dental board said Javier received "negligent and incompetent" care.

Orange County Register

Javier Villa's grief stricken family filed suit against the dentists in March 1998.  Clearly sighting the negligence of not using a rolled towel to keep his airway open.


You dental miss people do this many times a day.  Do any of you realize how close to death you take every child you touch.?


Dr. Gabriella Pham is off probation and has a current dental license in California.  She's loose on the streets to kill again.  See her at your own risk.










Ben Shimshock




Ben Shimshock - Sacramento
Died June 1996
killed by
Dr. Marianne Truta

Ben was 5 years old when he went to the dentist to have a cavity filled and was killed.

Ben's mom was not allowed back with him.  She waited in the waiting room.  His parents were told it is common and we do it all the time.


The California Dental Board said the dentist made multiple mistakes, but let her continue to treat patients for over a year.  They finally suspended her license, 9 months later.


Dr. Truta gave little Ben an overdose of drugs, failed to monitor his vital signs and did not take appropriate life-saving measures


CBS 60 Minutes




     Monique Walker  

Monique Walder
September 19, 1997
Yonkers, NY

Monique was 12 when she died 6 hours after being carried out from undergoing dental treatment where she was put to sleep with 30mg brevitol, 5mg valium and licocaine. 



Dr. Andrew Breiman's was Monique's dentist.  He insists she was awake and walked out, her family says they carried her out.   Dr. George Teuscher of the ASDC (American Society of Dentistry for Children)reported at the time said only 1 in 250,000 die after a dental procedure. 


NY Daily News






Jonathan Walski - Wilkes-Barre, PA
Died 1996
killed by
Dr. Joseph Mazula

Jonathan died in the dentist chair at age 3.  His parents were waiting for him in the waiting room, when they heard that horrible sounds of sirens.  Not wanting to believe it was coming to the dentist office, but it was. 


Dr. Mazula plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to five years in prison and had his PA permit to administer anesthesia. 


Were the cavities worth general anesthesia and killing a child?  Brain tumor yes, cavities no.

Dentistry and The Law

Dr. Mazula would come to an office of another dentist and put children to sleep. 



State Board of Dentistry vs. Joseph Mazula





















Mark Bistany - Long Island, NY
brain damaged caused by
Dr. Barry Bass  & Dr. James Dolin

Mark was 6 years old when he was killed at the dentist office.  He was just going to have a tooth pulled and ended in a coma.


Mark was sedated with Halothane and nitrous oxide by Dr. Barry Bass to have a tooth pulled. 

Boy lapses into coma

He developed breathing and heart problems, and went into a coma. 


Dr. James Dolin pulled the tooth
















After so many children died or were permanently injured, California Dental Board, President, Dr. Peter Hartmann wanted to tighten the rules under which oral sedatives were used on children.  The rest of the board voted it down.  Dr. Hartmann is concerned dental boards need to do a much better job.  I do to.







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